VA Pilot Op-Ed: U.S. Rep. Jen Kiggans Has Abandoned Her Post

In Congress, where decisions are made that echo through the lives of every American, an unsettling truth persists: Those of us who have served, bled and sacrificed for this nation often find ourselves betrayed by the very leaders who should be our strongest allies.

Here in Virginia Beach, a community built on a legacy of service and home to one of the largest veteran populations in the nation, our congresswoman, Jen Kiggans, loudly proclaims her support for veterans and their families. But In Washington, she has quietly fought for the wealthy and corporate special interests by voting for funding cuts that threaten to inflict irreparable harm on families such as mine.

As a fellow veteran, I would think Kiggans is acutely aware of the challenges we face upon returning to civilian life. So it is disheartening to see someone who once swore the same oath turn her back on the very constituency she should be staunchly defending. And for what end?

Every veteran knows the vital importance of accessible and quality health care, especially when it comes to addressing the unique challenges we face after our service. Nevertheless, Kiggans voted to cut funding for the Veterans Health Administration, which could lead to veterans having access to 30 million fewer outpatient visits and 81,000 jobs lost across the VHA. These cuts could mean even longer wait times, and fewer veterans receiving the vital care they need and have earned.

Kiggans is well aware that veterans grappling with the invisible wounds of war need access to more support, not fewer available appointments and longer waits. Yet she also voted to slash funding for community mental health services and substance use prevention grants. Meaning fewer veterans would have access to critical mental health support, which so often means the difference between life and death.

Despite veterans facing soaring levels of housing and food insecurity, Kiggans voted to put 50,000 veterans at a greater risk of losing the roofs over their heads by slashing funding for housing assistance. Her vote would also cut funding that makes food accessible for 1.3 million food-insecure veterans, increasing the likelihood that they and their families could go hungry.

By Sean Monteiro

Sean Monteiro of Virginia Beach is a U.S. Air Force veteran and a volunteer for Affordable Virginia. He was a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination in the 96th House District.

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