Affordable Virginia Calls on Rep. Jen Kiggans to Oppose Cuts to IRS

January 10, 2024

Virginia Beach, Virginia – As House Republicans continue their push to defund the IRS and protect ultra-wealthy tax cheats, Affordable Virginia released the following statement: 

“Over the past year, House Republicans like Rep. Jen Kiggans have worked tirelessly on their favorite issue: helping the ultra-wealthy avoid paying their fair share in taxes,” said Joseph White, Organizing Director of Affordable Virginia. “Rep. Kiggans and her Republican colleagues have voted over and over for legislation that helps the wealthiest Americans avoid paying their fair share in taxes, all while voting to cut funding to essential services working families rely on. It must be nice to be a billionaire, but for the vast majority of Americans who are not among the ultra-wealthy, times are tough, and we need Jen Kiggans to stop wasting time helping her billionaire friends and start standing up for working families before it’s too late. We are calling on Rep. Kiggans to oppose the cuts to the IRS that her party is pushing and ensure ultrawealthy Americans pay their fair share.



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VA Pilot Op-Ed: U.S. Rep. Jen Kiggans Has Abandoned Her Post