Take Action

Affordable Virginia is dedicated to fighting to make Virginia an affordable place for all. Community events such as Postcard Writing Parties or Letter to the Editor Parties are unique ways we engage our communities and communicate with our elected officials. Through these events, we mobilize grassroots, share personal stories, and advocate for policies that matter.

Virginians work hard day in and day out to make ends meet and build a better future for themselves and their families. Unfortunately, the rising cost of things like groceries, health care, child care and rent is holding too many families back. Virginians deserve representatives in Congress who will fight to keep these costs down so that all families have the tools and opportunities they need to build a good life. That's why we at Affordable Virginia feel it's so important that Congresswoman Jen Kiggans hear from us. We want her to stop putting corporations ahead of families in Virginia.

Why Attend? 

  • Make Your Voice Heard: Send a powerful message to lawmakers that Virginians demand an end to government shutdown threats. 

  • Protect Your Community: Ensure essential services like affordable healthcare, affordable housing, and affordable childcare can be accessible to all. 

  • Support Affordable Virginia: Join fellow advocates in the fight for a brighter, more secure future.

Can’t join us in person?