Mr. Rigs, the Corporate “Fat Cat” Takes a Visit to Virginia Beach to Call Out Rep. Jen Kiggans for Selling Out Her Constituents

"Rep. Kiggans has shown where her priorities lie—standing with big corporations and the ultra-wealthy while working families in VA-02 are left behind” 

Virginia Beach, VA – Today, Affordable Virginia staged a public demonstration by introducing, Mr. Rigs the 30 ft tall inflatable corporate “fat cat” to call on Congresswoman Jen Kiggans to stand with working families after her repeated votes (see below) to slash taxes for corporations and the ultra-wealthy. Affordable Virginia is calling on her to withdraw her co-sponsorship of the TCJA Permanency Act.

Mr. Rigs towers over cyclists and onlookers to send a bold message to Rep. Jen Kiggans | Photo Credit: Affordable Virginia

"Rep. Kiggans has shown where her priorities lie—standing with big corporations and the ultra-wealthy while working families in VA-02 are left behind,” said Emily Yeatts, Affordable Virginia Campaign Director. “Instead of fighting for those who need it most, she’s supporting policies that favor the richest Americans. Rep. Kiggans should be focused on protecting the livelihoods of the people she was elected to serve, not enriching those who already have the most. It's time for our representatives to prioritize working families. We, at Affordable Virginia, are urging Kiggans to change course and support policies that instead lower costs for working families in her district like affordable child care and crucial safety nets like veterans benefits, Social Security, and Medicare for seniors."

Last month, Affordable Virginia also drew attention to Rep. Jen Kiggans recent earmarking of taxpayer funds that would have benefited corporations that donated to her campaign. She requested a $7.4 million earmark for a natural gas pipeline that could have benefited two corporation’s whose PACs had recently donated thousands of dollars to her campaign. Following outrage from advocates and constituents, Rep. Kiggans withdrew her request for the earmarked funds. 

"It's disappointing to see that Rep. Kiggans chose to prioritize corporate interests over the needs of the hardworking families in our district,” said Joe White, Organizing Director. “Her actions show a clear preference for benefiting the companies that funded her campaign, rather than the people she was elected to represent. Withdrawing her request for the earmarked money only after being caught raises serious questions about her commitment to serving our community. We’re glad she ultimately listened to the outcry from her constituents and chose to withdraw the earmark."

“Rep. Kiggans has shown where her priorities lie—standing with big corporations and the ultra-wealthy while working families in VA-02 are left behind” - Emily Yeatts | Photo Credit: Affordable Virginia

More about Rep. Kiggans’ record on taxes: 

But it’s not too late. Congresswoman Jen Kiggans can still change course, withdraw her co-sponsorship of the TCJA Permanency Act and support policies that benefit working families like paid family leave and affordable child care, and protect crucial safety nets like veterans benefits, Social Security, and Medicare for seniors.  


Affordable Virginia Celebrates Two Years Since the Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act


Advocates Call Out Rep. Kiggans for Getting Caught Earmarking Millions in Taxpayer Money for Corporations that Donated to Her Campaign