Advocates Call Out Rep. Kiggans for Getting Caught Earmarking Millions in Taxpayer Money for Corporations that Donated to Her Campaign

Once Rep. Kiggans' $7.4 Million Earmark for Campaign Donors' Natural Gas Pipeline Was Exposed, She Withdrew Her Request

Virginia Beach, Va. – Affordable Virginia released a statement following reporting that uncovered that Rep. Jen Kiggans requested a $7.4 million earmark for a natural gas pipeline that could have benefited two corporation’s whose PACs had recently donated thousands of dollars to her campaign. Following outrage from advocates and constituents, Rep. Kiggans withdrew her request for the earmarked funds. 

“It wasn’t until she was caught red handed that Rep. Kiggans suddenly found her moral compass,” said Emily Yeatts, Campaign Director for Affordable Virginia. “Congresswoman Kiggans has voted over and over to put corporations and the wealthy over the needs of the working families she represents. She eventually withdrew her request for the $7.4 million earmark, but the fact is that it should not take the vigilance of constituents to monitor whether or not their representative is acting with integrity. We once again call on Rep. Kiggans to stop siding with corporate interests and keep her promise to uplift working families.”     


Mr. Rigs, the Corporate “Fat Cat” Takes a Visit to Virginia Beach to Call Out Rep. Jen Kiggans for Selling Out Her Constituents


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